Over 250 Cattle Die In Disastrous Shipment To Egypt
24th March 2010 -
Views: 1374
The controversial re-commencement of the live cattle trade to Egypt last month has turned into a public relations disaster for the live export industry with the deaths of over 250 cattle enroute on the livestock vessel the MV Ocean Shearer – one of the flagships of the live export trade.
Rspca Appealing For Witnesses To Duck Killing
15th October 2009 -
Views: 1236
Three teenagers were seen capturing the duck and then attacking and killing it, leaving the body on the pathway. The incident took place around midday on Pelican Path, a public pathway between Lake Park Rd and the Ocean Street Bridge in North Narrabeen.
Rspca Superheroes Ball Promises A Night Of Capes!
14th October 2009 -
Views: 1208
Each year, the RSPCA holds a gala event designed to raise funds for a special project or program. This year, the spotlight blazes on the charity's very own Superheroes, the 32 RSPCA Inspectors around the state who face cruelty and defend animals every day.
Large Shark Sighted Near A Popular South West Surf Break
25th October 2008 -
Views: 1246
South West surfers and swimmers are reminded to keep vigilant this weekend, after a reported
sighting of a large, possibly great white, shark at Cobblestones surf break south of Grace Town.
Large Shark Sighted Near A Popular South West Surf Break 1
24th October 2008 -
Views: 1274
South West surfers and swimmers are reminded to keep vigilant this weekend, after a reported
sighting of a large, possibly great white, shark at Cobblestones surf break south of Grace Town.