Mass Greyhound Adoption Event 1
4th December 2009 -
Views: 1307
“We will be adopting out over 20 greyhounds to happy families just on this day alone,” said Natalie Bailey – GRSA’s Marketing Manager.
Survey Of Wild Stocks Finds Wa Prawns Clear Of Exotic Viruses
2nd August 2010 -
Views: 1198
Department of Fisheries senior pathologist Dr Brian Jones said the checks showed there was no presence of the three most feared prawn viruses IHHNV (Infectious Hypodermal and Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus), WSSV (Whitespot Syndrome Virus) and GAV (Gill-Associated Virus) in the State's northwest waters.
Summer Care For Pets
1st December 2009 -
Views: 1234
RSPCA NSW is urging the community to take extra precautions to protect their pets during the summer heat.
Ajp Condemns 'bush Capital' Kangaroo Mass Slaughter
23rd June 2010 -
Views: 1206
The President of the recently formed Animal Justice Party of Australia (AJP), Professor Steve Garlick, has condemned the behaviour of the ACT Government in cruelly slaughtering thousands of nationally-protected kangaroos in its 'nature parks'.
Puppy Farmer Convicted Of Multiple Animal Cruelty Charges
27th November 2009 -
Views: 1217
Dario (David) Baena of Falls Creek was today, 27 November, ordered to pay over $155,000 in fines and costs, and banned from owning animals for 10 years after being sentenced on multiple counts of animal cruelty in Nowra Local Court.