Animals Press Releases & Articles 106 - 110 of 185

Fireworks Are No Party For Pets starstarstarstarstar   30th December 2009 - Views: 1342 Fireworks Are No Party For Pets RSPCA NSW is urging pet owners to protect their animals from the noise of fireworks this New Year’s Eve. With a 400% increase in the number of animals ending up at RSPCA NSW Shelters over the first three days of the New Year, the celebratory evening is definitely no party for pets. With many animals having a fear of fireworks, they can injure themselves to escape the noise.

No Reprieve For Native Waterbirds starstarstarstarstar   30th December 2009 - Views: 1296 No Reprieve For Native Waterbirds The Coalition Against Duck Shooting’s Campaign Director, Laurie Levy, today said: “The Brumby Government’s decision to allow a duck shooting season in 2010 is totally irresponsible and a betrayal of the 87% of Victorians who want the recreational shooting of native waterbirds banned.

Yoghurt Dog Food? You Must Be Barking Mad! starstarstarstarstar   29th December 2009 - Views: 1479 Yoghurt Dog Food? You Must Be Barking Mad! Yoghurt Plus is a world-first in pet food delivering a number of unique benefits to dogs.

Public Outrage Saves Lake Gregory Wild Horses. starstarstarstarstar   23rd September 2010 - Views: 1550 Public Outrage Saves Lake Gregory Wild Horses. "Animals Australia applauds Minister Hames' decision to seek a humane non-lethal management plan for the Lake Gregory Station horses. Killing the horses should never have been considered as an appropriate solution".

Giant Poster For Giant Kitten Overcrowding Problem starstarstarstarstar   22nd December 2009 - Views: 1405 Giant Poster For Giant Kitten Overcrowding Problem It’s a giant problem, so RSPCA NSW has placed a giant poster around Sydney’s CBD and outer suburbs. You’ve seen lost and found posters taped to telegraph poles with telephone tags along the bottom? RSPCA NSW has employed the same concept, just on a much grander scale.

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