Over 250 Cattle Die In Disastrous Shipment To Egypt

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24th March 2010, 10:00am - Views: 1375

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Media Release   

        24 March 2010

Over 250 cattle die in disastrous shipment to Egypt

The controversial re-commencement of the live cattle trade to Egypt last month has turned

into a public relations disaster for the live export industry with the deaths of over 250 cattle

enroute on the livestock vessel the MV Ocean Shearer – one of the flagships of the live

export trade.

A spokesperson for the Federal Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has

confirmed that 1.6% of the 16,460 cattle that left Fremantle died en route to Egypt and that

an investigation will be launched into the cause of deaths of the cattle.

Animals Australia Executive Director Glenys Oogjes said,

"This shipment is a disaster for the live export industry.   These animals suffered and died on

one of their flagship vessels which again proves that the inherent risks of exporting live

animals by sea can never be overcome."   

"We don't know why these animals died as yet, but we do know that they suffering and died

unnecessarily.   It is outrageous to be exporting live animals to Egypt when they have shown

that they will import chilled meat from Australia if we don't provide them with the alternative

of live animals."

"The live export industry has no conscience.   This has been proven time and time again.  

They are driven by profit and will provide animals to any country regardless of how the

animals will be treated there.    The Rudd government will be equally culpable for animal

cruelty unless they commit to ending this cruel trade" Ms Oogjes concluded.   


Background:   The MV Ocean Shearer commenced loading cattle on 19/2/10, and it finally

departed on 23/2/10 bound for Egypt.  Sheep were also loaded.  

Further re the slaughter facilities in Egypt:

Government statistics indicate that 923 cattle and over 32,000 sheep died onboard ships

from Australia in 2009.


Media comment: 

  Glenys Oogjes, Executive Director     041 431 2552

Animals Australia Inc.   37 O’Connell Street,  North Melbourne 3051

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