Animals Press Releases & Articles 71 - 75 of 185

Cruelty Complaint Made Against Jumps Horse Trainer After 11th Death starstarstarstarstar   28th July 2008 - Views: 1185 Cruelty Complaint Made Against Jumps Horse Trainer After 11th Death In addition, Animals Australia has lodged a specific cruelty complaint with the RSPCA alleging aggravated cruelty against trainer Tom Hughes Jnr and the owners of jumps horse Spanis h Symbol who fell and broke his leg on Saturday in the Hiskens Steeple at Mooney Valley and was subsequently destroyed. The horse had fallen or failed to finish in its previous three jumps races.

Jumps Racing Carnage Continues - 11th Horse Killed starstarstarstarstar   26th July 2008 - Views: 1146 Jumps Racing Carnage Continues - 11th Horse Killed ‘The falls and the deaths are foreseeable, they are inevitable, and jumps racing must now be labelled institutionalised cruelty’, stated Glenys Oogjes, Executive Director of Animals Australia.

Shock Tactics Are Fowl starstarstarstarstar   24th July 2008 - Views: 1042 Jamie Oliver's dramatic and unnecessary demonstration of suffocating live chicks and battery cage systems in the British television show Fowl Dinners, undermines and by no way reflects the stringent and professional animal welfare standards practiced in Australia by egg farmers.

Lucy The Pig Provides A Wake Up Call To Australians starstarstarstarstar   23rd July 2008 - Views: 1128 Lucy The Pig Provides A Wake Up Call To Australians “The barriers protecting the pig industry from public scrutiny are so high that a unique and hard-hitting approach was needed to alert consumers to how the majority of pork, bacon and ham products on supermarket shelves have been produced,” “The overwhelming response to these ads has been anger at how this could be allowed to happen in Australia; gratitude to Animals Australia for revealing the truth, and financial support to keep these ads on air,” said Glenys Oogjes, Executive Director of Animals Australia.

Human 'chickens' Cram Into Small Lift Space To Highlight Shocking Living Conditions Within Poultry I starstarstarstarstar   4th July 2008 - Views: 924 Human 'chickens' Cram Into Small Lift Space To Highlight Shocking Living Conditions Within Poultry I While battery chickens are given less room than an A4 piece of paper to spend their entire lives, broiler chickens don’t fair any better.

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