Minister Chooses Blindfold Over Waterbird Shooting Galleries
23rd November 2008 -
Views: 1288
Trevor Poulton, spokesperson for the group said: “We are calling on Minister Jennings to abandon the project.
Live Exporter Reps Deceiving Farmers - Animals Australia Claims
20th November 2008 -
Views: 1212
Meat & Livestock Australia has tried desperately to convince Australian farmers and the public that they need to continue to export animals to be able to improve welfare in the Middle East. The facts reveal this claim to be categorically false.
National Call For The Federal Government To Permanently Ban The Recreational
17th November 2008 -
Views: 1282
The Commonwealth is a signatory to the international RAMSAR Convention giving it direct responsibility for significant areas of Australia’s wetlands known as RAMSAR Sites.
International Conference On Trade Opportunities And Animal Welfare
10th November 2008 -
Views: 994
A conference showing the benefits higher standards for animal welfare have to offer to international trade will take place in Brussels on 20 and 21 January 2009. The Conference on Global Trade and Farm Animal Welfare will bring together anyone from farmers, retailers, politicians, academics, international institutions and animal welfare organisations to present positive experiences of inclusion of animal welfare in the trade environment.
Don't Send Your Sheep To Cruelty - Appeal To Farmers
29th October 2008 -
Views: 1048
Animals Australia investigators have been in the Middle East during the past three ‘Festivals of Sacrifice’.