Public Outrage Saves Lake Gregory Wild Horses.

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23rd September 2010, 09:00am - Views: 1551

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Media Release                         


      23 September 2010

Public outrage saves Lake Gregory horses.

WA's Indigenous Affairs Minister Kim Hames has halted a planned aerial shoot of wild

horses at Lake Gregory station in the Kimberley due to an overwhelming community

response on behalf of the animals.   Minister Hames has been inundated with protest letters

and emails appealing for a non-lethal solution.   

A massive helicopter kill of the estimated 5,000 Arab-derived wild horses on the station near

Broome was due to commence next month to make way for a restocking with beef cattle. 

Public concern had previously forced the government to abandon plans to truck the horses

to South Australia for slaughter.   

Animals Australia Executive Director Glenys Oogjes welcomed the decision,

"Animals Australia applauds Minister Hames' decision to seek a humane non-lethal

management plan for the Lake Gregory Station horses.  Killing the horses should never have

been considered as an appropriate solution".

"This decision not to shoot and kill the Lake Gregory wild horses is a significant one, and I

hope it heralds some new thinking about the way wild horses and other 'feral' animals are

managed in the future.  The welfare of feral animals is given scant attention or protection in

Australia and that must change", concluded Ms Oogjes.

Further information:

The WA Department of Indigenous Affairs (DIA) oversees the pastoral lease at Lake Gregory

and was under an order from the Pastoral Lands Board to remove the horses.  DIA originally

planned to muster and truck the horses almost 3,000km to South Australia to be slaughtered

for export for human consumption.   

That transport plan was abandoned in July after an avalanche of community protest and on

the advice of a specially convened Animal Welfare Advisory Committee that the transport

would contravene WA's Animal Welfare Act 2002.  

DIA then planned an aerial kill of the horses for October.  Aerial shooting of wild horses

causes fear and distress during the helicopter chase and inevitable wounding of some horses.

In previous shoots mares have aborted, foals have been trampled, and some wounded

horses have been left to slowly die.   

The aerial kill plan has now also been overturned by Minister Hames. An aerial count will be

conducted, then an expert committee will be convened to consider non-lethal management

options for the property.

Media comment: 

Glenys Oogjes  041 431 2552

Animals Australia Inc.   37 O’Connell Street,  North Melbourne 3051

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