Animals Press Releases & Articles 66 - 70 of 185

Don't Send Your Sheep To Cruelty - Appeal To Farmers 1 starstarstarstarstar   28th October 2008 - Views: 1057 Don't Send Your Sheep To Cruelty - Appeal To Farmers 1 Animals Australia investigators have been in the Middle East during the past three ‘Festivals of Sacrifice’.

Ebay Announces Ivory Ban In Wake Of Ifaw Report starstarstarstarstar   21st October 2008 - Views: 1060 Ebay Announces Ivory Ban In Wake Of Ifaw Report IFAW’s report, Killing with Keystrokes , will be released tomorrow and shows that: Australia had the lowest number of listings for wildlife products - 82 items or 1.2 per cent USA was responsible for more than 70 per cent of trade China and the United Kingdom, accounted for less that eight per cent each. Elephant ivory comprised 73 per cent of all products tracked.

Decision To Suspend Hurdle Races Applauded By Animals Australia starstarstarstarstar   29th September 2008 - Views: 1111 Decision To Suspend Hurdle Races Applauded By Animals Australia Two cruelty complaints have been lodged by Animals Australia over the deaths of jumps horses Crying Storm and Spanish Symbol.

Native Waterbirds - Veac Recommendations Irresponsible And Outdated starstarstarstarstar   29th September 2008 - Views: 980 While the Coalition Against Duck Shooting has praised many aspects of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) recommendations, especially the creation of new National Parks and the involvement of traditional owners as co-managers, the recommendations fail to acknowledge the serious impact of climate change and duck shooting on native waterbirds.

Nsw Kangaroo Kill Appeal Fails starstarstarstarstar   15th August 2008 - Views: 1064 Nsw Kangaroo Kill Appeal Fails Wildlife groups who appealed the 2007 to 2012 NSW Kangaroo Managment Plan in the NSW Adminisrative Appeals Tribunal are bitterly dissapointed but not surprised that the Appeal failed.

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