Timor Sea Oil Spill Monitoring - Too Little Too Late 29th October 2009 - Views: 857 Ten weeks into the uncontrolled and continuing oil and gas spill from the Montara wellhead, with anywhere from 10 to 20 million litres of oil spilled into the ocean, conservationists have stopped pulling punches.
Pm Award Recognises Water Efficient Businesses 28th October 2009 - Views: 838 The Efficient 2009 conference, which has bought together 300 leading Australian and international water professionals, closes today with a strong call for continued efforts to rein in demand for water, despite recent rains in some parts of the country.
Saving Water Also Saves Energy 26th October 2009 - Views: 898 “Research has shown that embedded in the cost of water is the cost of energy used to collect, treat and distribute that water,” says the CEO of Smart Approved WaterMark, Mr Julian Gray.
Sale Of Australian Gold Sovereigns Recalls Our Golden Age 23rd October 2009 - Views: 1068 nternational demand for Australian gold coins has been traditionally strong, with most numismatists agreeing that they are at the core of our numismatic collector market. This also underscores the fact that Australia is one of the largest gold-producing nations in the world.
Kimberley Oil Spill Much Bigger, Federal Government Inquiry Reveals 22nd October 2009 - Views: 856 Presenting evidence at an estimates hearing at Federal Parliament last night, officials from the Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism officials said that the company behind the oil spill, PTTEP, had provided no rationale for its calculation of 400 barrels-of-oil-day coming from the spill site.