Media Alert
22 October, 2009
Kimberley oil spill much bigger, federal government inquiry reveals
It has been revealed overnight that Australias third worst oil spill is likely to be
much bigger than previously estimated by the company responsible for the
spill off the Kimberley coast.
Presenting evidence at an estimates hearing at Federal Parliament last night,
officials from the Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism
officials said that the company behind the oil spill, PTTEP, had provided no
rationale for its calculation of 400 barrels-of-oil-day coming from the spill site.
Officials then confirmed the department had done its own calculations based
on Geoscience Australia data and found the spill was likely to be much higher
at around 2000 barrels a day plus condensate.
The oil spill has fluctuated since it began but the revelations overnight
indicate that the amount of oil polluting the sea off the Kimberley coast is likely
to be almost 3 times more than what was previously thought, John Carey
from the Pew Environment Group said.
The amount of oil spilling from the site off the Kimberley coast is now likely to
be close to 10 million litres, which is alarming for not just the size of the spill
but the potential impact on marine life.
Halting this spill is the first priority, the second priority is to make sure that
there are safeguards put in place to protect the marine environment from
future spills and create large sanctuary areas as a safe haven for marine life.
Media enquiries: John Carey, Pew Environment Group, 0400 450 399