New Report Shows Australia's Outback Is A Vast Climate 'pollution Bank'
13th July 2010 -
Views: 1049
Pew Environment Group and The Nature Conservancy are launching the study by the NOUS Consulting Group; showing Australia’s vast outback plays a vital role in absorbing and storing damaging climate pollution and, if better managed, could become a key factor in reducing the nation’s greenhouse emissions.
Ultrasound Puts Water Back In The Murray Darling By Squeezing Mining Waste
12th July 2010 -
Views: 1055
As well as conserving water the technique reduces the waste bulk, which could also save mining companies millions of dollars in operational costs and help postpone significant capital expenditure, Jason says.
Researchers Receive A Whale Of An Award
9th July 2010 -
Views: 1109
Pioneering Australian whale researchers Curt and Micheline Jenner are among the ten winners of this year’s prestigious Lowell Thomas Award, to be presented at The Explorers Club’s headquarters in New York in October.
Voluntary Carbon Market Stagnates: Report
7th July 2010 -
Views: 1126
Developed by Global Sustainability at RMIT University and EPA Victoria, the Carbon Offset Guide is the most comprehensive and independent directory of Australian offset providers, featuring details of prices, project locations, descriptions and accreditation standards.
Emissions Trading Scheme Welcomed
6th July 2010 -
Views: 1084
"Compliance buyers will be matched with pools of New Zealand carbon credit Units (NZUs) to meet their ETS obligations either directly or through channels created by CO2 New Zealand." he said.