Emissions Trading Scheme Welcomed

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6th July 2010, 05:26am - Views: 1085

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Emissions Trading Scheme Welcomed

WELLINGTON, New Zealand, July 6 /Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --

   "Environmental Services Sector Provides Innovation"

    Mr Greg Adlam, CEO for CO2 New Zealand, says his company is well positioned for

the challenges faced by emitters as well as the new business opportunities that will

be created under the NZ Emissions Trading Scheme(ETS).

   "Compliance buyers will be matched with pools of New Zealand carbon credit Units

(NZUs) to meet their ETS obligations either directly or through channels created by

CO2 New Zealand." he said.

   CO2 New Zealand, which was launched last month, is a partnership between carbon

professionals with international linkages and Tukia Group, a commercial development

company owned by six Central North Island Iwi.

   CO2 New Zealand Chairman Andrew Grant said, "We welcome the start of the New

Zealand emissions trading scheme and look forward to being able to present our

combined skills to the purchasers of carbon credits in New Zealand.

   "This new company benefits from many well-established strengths. Our local and

international reach enables us to provide regulated emitters with short and medium

term supply arrangements."

   Mr Grant said his company's approach is to work alongside emitters and foresters

to achieve complementary outcomes based on leveraging knowledge already gained in

offshore markets.

   More about CO2 New Zealand

   CO2 New Zealand is a Limited Partnership between Tukia Group, Carbon & Energy

Partners and CO2 Group Limited.

   CO2 New Zealand will be based and operate solely in New Zealand as a developer,

manager, trader and risk manager of physical and financial carbon assets. CO2 New

Zealand will seek to be the premier reforestation company in New Zealand building on

the success of CO2 Australia.

   CO2 New Zealand will generate carbon credits in the form of NZUs and Assigned

Amount Units (AAUs) for sale in both the New Zealand domestic market and

international carbon markets.


CO2 New Zealand will facilitate investment from capital markets into carbon

projects. Carbon projects will be developed on behalf of investors, or directly for

organisations that require significant volumes of carbon credits to meet compliance


   Media contact: Greg Adlam

                  CEO, CO2 New Zealand Limited Partnership

                  Phone: +64 21 546 269

                  Email: greg.adlam@co2newzealand.co.nz

Conservation Environment CO2 New Zealand 3 image

   SOURCE: CO2 New Zealand

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