Environment Press Releases & Articles 421 - 425 of 456

Norwood Candidate Stares Down The Lies And Bullies starstarstarstarstar   21st March 2010 - Views: 1077 When Norwood Liberal candidate Steven Marshall spoke up against duck shooting during the run up to Saturday's State Election, he soon had a visit from a member of the Hellenic Shooting Sports club promising to ensure electoral oblivion.

Climate Litigation In Nsw Supreme Court 1 starstarstarstarstar   19th March 2010 - Views: 1097 The NSW Land and Environment Court will reveal today at 4pm whether or not legal action against Macquarie Generation, owners and operators of Australia's largest coalfired power station at Bayswater in the Hunter Valley, will be allowed to proceed.

Media Alert - Live Green House Kicks Off Sydney Town Hall Reopening Celebrations starstarstarstarstar   4th March 2010 - Views: 1023 Two green giant illuminated balloons will also be inflated alongside, as a stark visual reminder of the amount of carbon emissions each Australian person produces every day.

'browns' In Charge: Keneally Backs Down On Red Gum Protection starstarstarstarstar   3rd March 2010 - Views: 980 'browns' In Charge:  Keneally Backs Down On Red Gum Protection Both The Wilderness Society and the National Parks Association of NSW today slammed the Keneally Government, following their back down on River Red Gum protection this morning.

Community Outrage Over Stolen Road - Public Meeting Sunday At 10:00am starstarstarstarstar   19th February 2010 - Views: 1052 Logan and Redland residents at Mt Cotton are demanding that a scenic public roadrunning through a wildlife corridor be restored and returned to the community.

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