How Ccs Works - And Why We Need It
23rd July 2010 -
Views: 1071
The facts and misconceptions of carbon capture and storage (CCS) were discussed last night at a free public lecture held at the University of Melbourne and presented by the Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC).
Australia Has An Opp. To Reduce Carbon Emissions By Protecting Native Forests
23rd July 2010 -
Views: 1077
Prime Minister Julia Gillard's statement on climate change fails to recognize the urgent need for climate action. A quick, low-cost and community-supported means of making deep cuts to Australia’s Greenhouse emissions is by protecting native forests, The Wilderness Society said today.
Collaboration Between 4e And Sead To Cut Energy Consumption Announced At The Clean Energy Ministeria
20th July 2010 -
Views: 981
The 4E SSL initiative launching tomorrow at the Clean Energy Ministerial Public Forum aims to
provide governments with tools to promote high quality lighting equipment, and avoid damage to
consumer confidence that may slow down market acceptance of this technology.
Another Redhead Grabbing Enviro Headlines
19th July 2010 -
Views: 1250
This exuberant collection of music from the tv phenomenon that is currently topping ratings in Australia – and screening around the world in the UK, Canada, Israel and the United States – celebrates life in the big world outside and is founded on the simple philosophy “we protect what we love”.
Queensland Biodiversity Hotspot Protected For The Future
16th July 2010 -
Views: 1210
Ecofund worked with a rural landholder to secure the offset and negotiated a financial agreement to protect the environmental values of the area.