Environment Press Releases & Articles 386 - 390 of 456

World's First Standard For Deep-earth Storage Of Industrial Carbon Emissions To Be Developed By Csa starstarstarstarstar   17th June 2010 - Views: 1045 World's First Standard For Deep-earth Storage Of Industrial Carbon Emissions To Be Developed By Csa Upon completion, the new CCS standard will be submitted to the Standards Council of Canada for recognition, making it the world's first formally recognized CCS standard in this area.

Hobart Engineer Measures The Climate On Ice starstarstarstarstar   6th June 2010 - Views: 1095 Young Tasmanian electrical engineer Natalia Galin has turned US technology into a robust helicopter-borne radar system that can accurately measure the thickness of snow on polar sea ice.

Target 155 Delivers 18% Of The Additional Water In Our Dams starstarstarstarstar   3rd June 2010 - Views: 1054 Since this time last year, Melburnians water efficient ways have delivered 18% of all of the additional water in our dams, some 22.5 billion litres, or enough water for all of Melbourne for more than three weeks.

Take The Ieee Green Your World Challenge To Celebrate World Environment Day, 5 June 2010 starstarstarstarstar   1st June 2010 - Views: 2065 "When it comes to our environment, we must be agents of change in our daily routines and in our support for sustainable developments through advancements in technology," said Pedro Ray, 2010 IEEE president and chief executive officer.

Empire State Building's Sustainability Retrofit Program Achieves Target With Energy Star Rating Of 9 starstarstarstarstar   28th May 2010 - Views: 1084 The ground-breaking energy efficiency work at the Empire State Building has achieved a milestone on its journey for sustainability leadership in the commercial real estate community by receiving an ENERGY STAR rating of 90 from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

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