Environment Press Releases & Articles 326 - 330 of 456

Uniting Church Opposes Further Weakening Of Cprs starstarstarstarstar   22nd October 2009 - Views: 992 Uniting Church Opposes Further Weakening Of Cprs The Uniting Church in Australia has written to MPs and Senators, urging them to vote for a strengthened Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

State Government Urged To Act On Emissions From Livestock Sector starstarstarstarstar   22nd October 2009 - Views: 930 “According to the UN Food & Agriculture Organization, even the majority of environmentalists and environmental policy makers have failed to appreciate the truly enormous impact of the livestock sector on climate, biodiversity and water”, said Mr Mahony.

Asr, Ltd. Announces Completion Of Europe's First Multi-purpose Reef starstarstarstarstar   22nd October 2009 - Views: 914 Amalgamate Solutions and Research (ASR), the world leader in the design and construction of multi-purpose artificial reefs, announced today that it has completed Europe's first multi-purpose reef on the Boscombe shoreline, just outside of southern England's coastal town of Bournemouth.

Lord Mayor To Launch Landmark 350.org Event This Weekend starstarstarstarstar   21st October 2009 - Views: 987 The Lord Mayor will open the flagship 350.org Australian event this Saturday on the steps of the Sydney Opera House. Organisers plan to have thousands of Sydneysiders come together to spell out 350 and let the Australian Government know that they are committed to urgent action.

Statewide Appeal Launched To "send Back Sandy" starstarstarstarstar   21st October 2009 - Views: 955 Statewide Appeal Launched To “Have you seen Sandy? Please send her back,” Tim Nicol from the Conservation Council of WA and Save Our Marine Life alliance said.

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