Woolworths Cage Egg Decision Welcome 14th August 2009 - Views: 1071 Executive Director of Animals Australia Glenys Oogjes stated today: "Woolworths' plan to reduce battery cage egg brands on their shelves shows important ethical leadership.
Piggery Cruelty Case Tomorrow (correction) 10th August 2009 - Views: 1019 One of Australia’s worst cases of commercial animal cruelty will resume before the Scottsdale Court in Tasmania at 10 am tomorrow, Tuesday 11 th August 2009.
Piggery Cruelty Case Resumes - Tasmania 10th August 2009 - Views: 992 One of Australia’s worst cases of commercial animal cruelty will resume before the Scottsdale Court in Tasmania at 10 am tomorrow, Tuesday 11 th June.
Jumps Racing 10th Death - Minister Must Act 2nd August 2009 - Views: 1102 Peak animal welfare organisation Animals Australia today called on Minister Rob Hulls to side-step Racing Victoria (RVL) and to stop the jumps racing season to prevent further deaths.
Piggery Cruelty Court Case Against Woolworths Supplier Resumes 29th June 2009 - Views: 1084 The court case against one of Australia’s worst cases of commercial animal cruelty will resume before the Scottsdale Court in Tasmania at 10 am tomorrow, Tuesday 30 th June.