Australian Company Implicated In African Seal Slaughter
24th June 2009 -
Views: 970
The 2009 cull is due to commence on 1 st July and is set to be the largest slaughter of seals this year. 91,000 Cape Fur Seals are likely to be killed in this year's cull; 85,000 (93%) of them are pups between the ages of 7 and 11 months old.
Woolworths Supplier Faces Aggravated Animal Cruelty Charges
12th May 2009 -
Views: 1094
Tas piggery faces aggravated animal cruelty charges One of Australia’s worst cases of commercial animal cruelty is to go before the Scottsdale Court in Tasmania today (12 th May).
Cruelty Complaint Lodged Over Jumps Race Death
11th May 2009 -
Views: 1073
“The entering of Clearview Bay in the arduous Grand National Steeple is a clear example of the mindset of the jumps racing industry where the high risks for horses are considered acceptable.
Would You Treat Your Mum Like This?
10th May 2009 -
Views: 996
The RSPCA is a charity with objectives to: - Prevent cruelty to animals - Amend and develop legislation to protect animals - Provide education and training about the care, protection and treatment of animals Operate veterinary clinics to care for animals.
End To The 2009 Duck-shooting Farce - No Waterbirds.
8th May 2009 -
Views: 974
“Ornithological groups Birds Australia and Bird Observation and Conservation Australia both called for a permanent ban on duck shooting this year, as did the RSPCA.