Live Exporter Reps Deceiving Farmers - Animals Australia Claims

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20th November 2008, 11:22am - Views: 1213

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Media release    


   20 November  2008

Animals Australia accuses MLA/LiveCorp of deceiving farmers

Fear of live export ban forced new Bahrain regulations

Animals Australia is calling on MLA/LiveCorp to tell farmers the truth as to why Bahrain’s livestock importer has

decided to ban the transport of Australian sheep in car boots during the pending Eid - Festival of Sacrifice.  

The recent decision by the Bahrain Livestock Company (BLC) has been portrayed by MLA/LiveCorp as a good

news story resulting from their presence in the Middle East region. 

Contrary to this Gulf News Bahrain’s major newspaper in reporting the BLC decision stated –

The move comes after criticism about the handling of animals in Bahrain and several other Gulf countries by

organisations such as the US-based People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta) and Animals


During last year’s Eid Festival Animals Australia investigators filmed Australian sheep being trussed and

shoved into boots and tossed onto trucks at the BLC feedlot.  Recent airing of this footage on national

television outraged Australians and increased calls for the live export trade to end.

Glenys Oogjes, Executive Director of Animals Australia said today: 

“Meat & Livestock Australia has tried desperately to convince Australian farmers and the public that they need

to continue to export animals to be able to improve welfare in the Middle East.   The facts reveal this claim to

be categorically false. It is the fear of losing access to Australian animals, not the provision of them, that has

forced the introduction of these regulations in Bahrain.   

“It is no coincidence that this decision by the Bahrain Livestock Company comes after footage of cruel

treatment at their facility aired nationally in Australia.    Animals Australia’s investigations have forced this ban,

one that MLA has been unable to achieve despite being based in Bahrain for over a decade. 

“This decision by the Bahraini’s presents further evidence that change is created by exposing and opposing

cruelty – not facilitating it by supplying animals to be cruelly treated.”  

“For the first time Bahrainis’ will be told that transporting sheep in car boots is unacceptable.    Had Animals

Australia not exposed this treatment during last year’s festival - when MLA representatives were no-where to

be seen– thousands of animals would have endured this treatment again in Bahrain this year.”  

“Whilst we welcome this progress, what mustn’t be forgotten is that sheep exported to Bahrain for this Festival

will still endure the stress of being transported on a livestock vessel for 15 days and the terror of being

slaughtered whilst fully conscious in private premises throughout Bahrain,” concluded Ms Oogjes.

Media comment:    Animals Australia Executive Director - Glenys Oogjes    041 431 2552

Footage and photographs of the treatment of Australian sheep at the Bahrain Feedlot available on request


         Animals Australia Office    03 9329 6333

Animals Australia Inc.   37 O’Connell Street,  North Melbourne 3051

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