16 August Is International Homeless Animals Day! 13th August 2008 - Views: 913 Each year tens of thousands of animals are left homeless in NSW.
The Cats Of Africa - Free Public Lecture 12th August 2008 - Views: 957 RMIT University and Zoos Victoria are celebrating National Science Week (16-24 August) with a free public lecture from world-renowned “big cat” expert, Dr Luke Hunter.
Dog Owners Unaware That Their Pet May Be Suffering From Serious Heart Disease 31st July 2008 - Views: 834 Recently released global research shows that over 50% of dog owners are unaware that their dog may be at risk of heart failure. Heart disease affects one in four dogs over seven years of age(1), yet the lack of knowledge about this serious, life-threatening condition calls for better education amongst dog owners on how to recognise the disease, and how to maintain their dogs' heart health.
Fisheries Scientist Calls For Help On Slender Sunfish 26th May 2008 - Views: 810 Department of Fisheries researchers have called on the members of the public to report any sightings of an unusual offshore oceanic fish, called a slender sunfish.
2008 Mawa Doctoral Scholarships Awarded To Support Ground-breaking Research Stu 7th April 2008 - Views: 1081 The Medical Advances Without Animals Trust (MAWA) which promotes the replacement of animal experimentation in research, has announced the recipients of its 2008 Doctoral Research Scholarships.