Take The Ieee Green Your World Challenge To Celebrate World Environment Day, 5 June 2010

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1st June 2010, 04:17pm - Views: 2067

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Take the IEEE Green Your World Challenge to Celebrate World Environment Day, 5 June 2010

PISCATAWAY, N.J., June 1 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    In celebration of the 2010 World Environment Day (WED), and the positive

impact global sustainability technologies have made on the environment, IEEE,

the world's largest technical professional association, initiates a

call-to-action: asking citizens of the world to accept the IEEE Green Your

    Take the Challenge! Starting 1 June 2010, and continuing throughout the

week leading up to WED (5 June 2010), IEEE invites individuals from around

the globe to take one or more of the five challenges, and commit to making

simple, yet powerful changes in daily life that can benefit humanity and the


    - Step into the (Energy Efficient) Light: Replace incandescent light 

      bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) or light emitting 

      diode (LED) light bulbs

    - Be an e-Waste Hero: Find a local electronics recycler, and

      eco-consciously dispose of old computers, TVs, and mobile phones

    - Every Drop Counts: Reduce your daily in-home water usage

    - Reforest Your Community: Plant a tree or garden and create a 

      sustainable future

    - Stop 'Energy Vampires' from Draining Your Resources: Unplug

      standby electronics

    "When it comes to our environment, we must be agents of change in our

daily routines and in our support for sustainable developments through

advancements in technology," said Pedro Ray, 2010 IEEE president and chief

executive officer. "IEEE and its members are working globally to capitalize

on the impact technology plays in sustainability efforts - from implementing

water conservation and irrigation systems in underserved areas, and lowering

the carbon footprint of consumer devices by engineering smaller, faster

semiconductors, to preserving the Earth's natural resources by exploring new

alternative energy sources. I encourage every individual to take the IEEE

Green Your World Challenge and do their part to better serve this planet."

    Take the IEEE Green Your World Challenge and commit to an environmental

change that will impact our future: http://www.ieeegreenyourworld.org.

    After taking the Challenge, explore which challenges other people have

taken around the globe, and check out the IEEE Facebook page:

http://www.facebook.com/ieeegreenyourworld and Twitter feed (@IEEEorg -

https://twitter.com/IEEEorg) - to get regular updates on the IEEE Green Your

World Challenge.

    The IEEE Green Your World Challenge is registered with the United Nations

Environmental Programme - WED 2010 (http://www.unep.org/wed/2010/english),

which aims to be the most widely celebrated, global day for positive,

environmental action. By celebrating WED, IEEE is linking individuals around

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the globe in support of environmental issues.

    About IEEE

    IEEE, the world's largest technical professional association, is

dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Through its

highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and

professional and educational activities, IEEE is the trusted voice on a wide

variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and

telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer

electronics. Learn more at http://www.ieee.org.


    CONTACT: Adrienne McGarr of Ruder Finn for IEEE, +1-312-329-3907,

mcgarra@ruderfinn.com; or Francine Tardo of IEEE, +1-732-465-5865,



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