Target 155 Delivers 18% Of The Additional Water In Our Dams

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3rd June 2010, 08:25pm - Views: 1055
Target 155 - Delivering 18% of the Extra Water in our Dams

Since this time last year, Melburnians water efficient ways have delivered 18% of all of the additional water in our dams, some 22.5 billion litres, or enough water for all of Melbourne for more than three weeks. And this week, we have been equally water wise, using only 133 litres per person per day.

In celebrating the 13 weeks that we have been under Target 155, water authorities are praising our low use in autumn - achieving an average of 143 litres per person - two litres less than this time last year.

"This reduction in residential water use in the cooler months clearly illustrates the effectiveness of fixed water saving tools; such as water-efficient shower heads, water tanks and the increased uptake of efficient appliances - such as washing machines," explains Mr Tony Kelly, Managing Director of Yarra Valley Water and Target 155 spokesperson.

"But we cannot afford to relax our water-wise ways in winter, as the savings that we make now are absolutely vital in balancing out increased use in summer. It is only through our concerted and continued water efficiencies in the cooler months that we are able to achieve Target 155 for the year," says Mr Kelly.

"As part of our commitment to provide simple tools to improve our water efficiency, we're inviting all Victorians to take advantage of our free trigger nozzle exchange program - which is kicking off from Saturday, 5 June - World Environment Day."

"With 50,000 trigger nozzles being made available right across the state, we're hoping to see the end of archaic, inefficient, twist-style nozzles," details Mr Kelly.

Visit your local Water Saver Garden Centre to exchange your old nozzle for a new trigger nozzle. Stocks are limited, with a limit of two per household. Head to to find your local centre.

Melbourne's water storages remain under one third full at 32.7 per cent - confirming the need to diversify Melbourne's water supply. Work is currently underway to build Australia's largest desalination plant, upgrade irrigation channels and expand the water grid.

But we all need to keep saving water.

Under Stage 3 Water Restrictions
* Lawns must not be watered at any time
* Even and no-numbered properties can water plants on even- numbered dates 6 - 8am - e.g: 2nd, 4th, 6th
* Odd-numbered properties can water plants on odd numbered dates 6 - 8am - e.g. 1st, 3rd, 5th
* All properties may water plants on the 31st of each month.
* Residents aged 70+ can water plants on their specified days at the alternate time of 8am - 10am
* Automatic dripper systems can be used to water plants on specified watering days between midnight - 2am
* Rain/ grey water can be used at any time
* Cars can be washed at commercial car washes or by using rainwater

Media Enquires:
Caroline Doherty
Target 155 Media Manager
M: 0421 465 274
T: 9872 2473
[email protected]

Rainfall Storages and Rainfall Data
Nick McGay, Melbourne Water
M: 0438 981 836
T: 9235-2278
[email protected]

SOURCE: Target 155

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