End To The 2009 Duck-shooting Farce - No Waterbirds.

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8th May 2009, 07:33am - Views: 975


Media release

Friday 8 May 2009

End to the 2009 duck-shooting farce – no waterbirds.

The 2009 recreational duck shooting season ends today, Friday May 8.  The Coalition Against Duck

Shooting said the Brumby Government’s decision to call a season was farcical. 

Assistant Director, Lynn Trakell said: “Our rescue teams patrolled wetlands every weekend of the season. 

What stood out this year was the appalling lack of birds.  

“Since wetlands all over the state have turned to dust bowls, we expected to find substantial numbers of

birds seeking refuge on the few remaining wetlands with water.  But this was not so - there are almost no

birds anywhere.    

“Perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised because in February, Professor Richard Kingsford stated that

Victoria’s duck numbers had declined more than 70% in the past 25 years, but that the drop had been an

astonishing 60% between 2007 and 2008.  

“Ornithological groups Birds Australia and Bird Observation and Conservation Australia both called for a

permanent ban on duck shooting this year, as did the RSPCA. 140 conservation and animal welfare groups

Australia-wide also support a permanent ban.  

“Even the Department of Sustainability and Environment (DSE) itself recommended against a season

because of unfavourable environmental conditions.  Yet Environment Minister Gavin Jennings was forced by

the Premier’s Department, to call a season for political reasons, based on the recommendations of the

Hunting Advisory Committee (HAC), a group comprised mainly of hunters.  The HAC is not a scientific

committee but a political group set up to lobby for duck seasons and given unfettered access to government.

“Calling a season this year makes a mockery of the DSE claim that duck hunting is managed on the best

environmental data available and that they work closely with community groups to ensure duck hunting is

conducted in a safe, responsible and sustainable manner.  This is simply not true.  

“Duck shooting is no longer sustainable and it was irresponsible of the Brumby Government to hold a

season this year.  Even though 87% of Victorians want duck shooting permanently banned, the only groups

the government works closely with are the shooting organisations.

“Conditions are so dry that in order to attract birds before the opening of the duck season Field and Game

Australia were caught out siphoning water, without a licence, from the Latrobe River onto their private

wetland, Heart Morass, near Sale.  Southern Rural Water is investigating and we expect a prosecution.

Media contact:

Lynn Trakell

Assistant Director

Mobile:  0414 816 509

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