Would You Treat Your Mum Like This?

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10th May 2009, 08:02am - Views: 997
Would You Treat Your Mum Like This?

RSPCA NSW is urging the public to remember the dismal plight of intensively farmed female pigs while celebrating Mother's Day today.

Sows, female pigs, spend 24-hours a day living in narrow, metal barred pens just 2 metres long by 60 cm wide. They can barely stand up, let alone turn around.

In March this year RSPCA NSW set up an online petition to ban the use of sow stalls and urged the public to help support the cause by signing the petition at http://www.gopetition.com.au/online/26236.html.

The petition is designed to highlight the plight of the animals by garnering maximum community and media support, and so far almost 3,500 people have signed but many more are needed.

"RSPC NSW is fundamentally opposed to the use of sow stalls and farrowing crates
because of the adverse effects that these housing methods have on sow movement,
social interaction, and behaviour," said RSPCA NSW CEO Steve Coleman.

"While everyone is celebrating Mother's Day, it's important to recognise that some mums are suffering every day due to cruel farming practices. We hope to raise awareness of these practices and urge the public to not only sign the petition but make a stand by only purchasing free range, organic or RSPCA-accredited pork. Ultimately we would like to see sow stalls banned and all pig farming be free range."

For further information about RSPCA accredited pork, visit

Sow Stall Facts:
- Sows spend their lives in a narrow, metal barred pen (just 200cm 60cm) with a concrete floor and barely enough room to stand and lie down.

- Sows cannot turn around in their stalls - the lack of movement results in severe muscle and bone deterioration, making it difficult to stand up and lie down.

- Many sows ultimately begin to display repetitive or self-destructive behaviours such as biting the metal bars all day, constant head bobbing and chain pulling.

The RSPCA is a charity with objectives to:
- Prevent cruelty to animals
- Amend and develop legislation to protect animals
- Provide education and training about the care, protection and treatment of animals Operate veterinary clinics to care for animals.

Media Contact:
Michelle Minehan, RSPCA NSW Media Officer
E: [email protected]
P: 8666 0116
M: 0413 622 020



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