Collaboration Between 4e And Sead To Cut Energy Consumption Announced At The Clean Energy Ministeria

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20th July 2010, 01:36am - Views: 982

Conservation Environment Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment (4E) Implementing Agreement 2 image



Clean Energy Ministerial Public Forum

SYDNEY, Australia, July 19 /Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --

   Tuesday, July 20, 2010, Ronald Reagan Building, Washington D.C.

   The 4E SSL initiative launching tomorrow at the Clean Energy Ministerial Public Forum aims to

provide governments with tools to promote high quality lighting equipment, and avoid damage to

consumer confidence that may slow down market acceptance of this technology.  

   Under the IEA Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment Implementing Agreement (4E), the new Solid

State Lighting (SSL) project will work with the Super Efficient Equipment & Appliance Deployment

(SEAD) to establish quality assurance criteria for this rapidly emerging technology. 

   Efficient SSL replacing less efficient lighting has the potential to cut global lighting electricity

consumption by 30% - approximately equivalent to the total electricity consumed by Canada and the

United Kingdom combined.  

   Led by the Governments of France, Japan and the United States, the project will involve most of the

11 4E Governments around the world interested in accelerating the deployment of efficient lighting


   In launching this three year project, 4E Chairman, Hans-Paul Siderius announced: "The market for

LEDs and OLEDs is growing rapidly and offers enormous potential to improve energy efficiency. The

experience with compact fluorescent lamps has shown the need to guard against unwarranted

performance claims so that the general public is not disappointed by Solid State Lighting. These

concerns are shared by many governments and I am extremely excited that 4E is tackling these issues

alongside SEAD, which is encouraging even more Governments to become involved." 

   4E will also collaborate with SEAD through its Mapping & Benchmarking Annex, sharing information

and analysis on national and global trends in appliance energy consumption. 

   This project compares and contrasts policies and outcomes in member states with global best

practice.  This analysis provides Governments with information to assess the impact of policies and

identify policy gaps.  

   Collaboration between 4E and SEAD on these technical assessments will allow Governments to

accelerate implementation, avoid duplication and produce a more comprehensive geographic analysis. 

It is a demonstration of the practical advantages of international collaboration.            

   About the 4E Implementing Agreement:

   The 4E Implement Agreement focuses on the area of electrical equipment and joins energy efficiency

policy makers from Asia with Europe and North America. 

   Launched in March 2008 with the specific aim of promoting the adoption of government policies that

encourage the use of more efficient appliances and equipment, 4E seeks to pool practical information at

the policy level from its participants: currently several EU Member States (Austria, Denmark, France,

the Netherlands and the UK), as well as Australia, Canada, Korea, South Africa, Switzerland and USA. 

   In addition to Mapping & Benchmarking, other Annexes include: 

   Electric Motor Systems which reports the various policies used globally to improve efficiency and

encourage alignment on policies proven to be effective.

   Standby Power which concentrates on the rising trend in energy use by networked equipment, pools

current research and identifies policies used to improve efficiencies. 

   For further information:

   Shane Holt and Marc Fontoyant will be available to meet press and answer  

   questions on Tuesday, July 20, 2010, at the Ronald Reagan Building, 

   Washington D.C.

   Further information on 4E is available from the website: 

   4E Contact Details:

   Mr Shane Holt, 4E Vice-Chair

   Mobile: +61 434 562 065


   Marc Fontoynant, 4E SSL Annex Operating Agent

   Tel: +33 4 72 04 70 27

   Mobile: +33 6 07 65 79 80


   Mr Mark Ellis, 4E Operating Agent

   Tel: +61 243 602 931

   Mobile: +61 424 264 014 


   SOURCE: Efficient Electrical End-Use Equipment (4E) Implementing Agreement

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