Bush Regeneration Experts Speak At Gold Coast Event 15th May 2008 - Views: 752 An innovative speaker's program, interactive exhibitions, guided walks, face-painting and a free barbecue are on offer as part of the first Gold Coast Bush Restoration Fair, to be held at Southport on Saturday 5 July.
City Of Melbourne Welcomes Feedback On Zero Net Emissions Update 7th May 2008 - Views: 695 “We want to continue our commitment to sustainability solutions for the City of Melbourne and want to do so in partnership with our municipal stakeholders.
Veteran Socialist Takes On Neo-liberalism & Climate Change Sceptics 29th April 2008 - Views: 707 Veteran Socialist takes on neo-liberalism & climate change sceptics Launch of Eric Aarons' book, Market versus Nature : The Social Philosophy of Friedrich Hayek . (Australian Scholarly Publishing) by Age journalist, Kenneth Davidson 6 for 6.30pm Fri May 2, 2008 New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, Melbourne Veteran Australian socialist Eric Aarons takes on neo-liberalism and climate change sceptics in his latest book Market Versus Nature: The Social Philosophy of Friedrich Hayek (Australian Scholarly Publishing) .
Murray Darling Basin Water Release 28th April 2008 - Views: 782 The President of Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Vic) (SSAA (Vic)) Mr. Bob Cooper, today expressed his whole-hearted support for the release of 17 GL of (Environmental) water to specific Wetland locations along the Murray River.
Anzac Day Weather Forecast - All States 23rd April 2008 - Views: 812 East could be in for wild Long Weekend weather Computer simulations are indicating an interesting turn in weather developments over the next few days leading up to the ANZAC Day long weekend, according to The Weather Channel’s Senior Meteorologist, Dick Whitaker.