Launch Of Make Poverty History's Report On Climate Change - See The Bigger Picture 11th July 2008 - Views: 642 There will be a colourful, traditional performance by children from Kiribati and Tuvalu, countries that will disappear completely if developed countries do not take action now on climate change.
Expert Comment On G8 Climate Target 9th July 2008 - Views: 777 The Group of Eight developed nations have agreed to at least halve world carbon emissions by 2050, in a deal described by some as a breakthrough but criticised by others as inadequate.
High Polluters At Earnings Risk 4th July 2008 - Views: 689 RepuTex experts - Hugh Grossman, Head of Research and Jerome Suere, Head of Carbon Research are available for commentary.
Green Electricity - Today's Cost Or Lower 29th June 2008 - Views: 806 Docklands Science Park clean coal technology will remove 100 percent of greenhouse gases from coal fired power stations for as little as $3.00 per tonne.
Waste Winning War On Warming 26th June 2008 - Views: 720 The National Greenhouse Inventory 2006 (NGI) reports that waste managers, composters and recyclers have reduced GHG emissions from their operations by around 11% since 1990, while all other industrial sectors have seen their GHG emissions grow.