Media Release
Response to Murray Darling Basin Commissions
Environmental Release of 17 GL of water.
The President of Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Vic) (SSAA
(Vic)) Mr. Bob Cooper, today expressed his whole-hearted support for the
release of 17 GL of (Environmental) water to specific Wetland locations
along the Murray River. This release has today been announced by the
Murray Darling Basin Commission and the Victorian Government.
Mr Cooper said that SSAA (Vic) fully supports the environmental release
already earmarked for just such a proposal. Mr Cooper went on to say I
am aware that some within the farming community are without water in
these very difficult times and will find this hard to accept. Nonetheless there
has to be some effort by Government and the Community to assist and stand
up for the environment in this serious ongoing drought.
I compliment the Murray Darling Basin Commission and the Victorian
Government on having the foresight and resolve to follow through with this
Mr Cooper continued Despite out agreement with this allocation, our
Association would take issue with Chief Executive of the MDBC, Wendy
Craiks inference that some 70% of River Red Gums are in decline or dead,
and this is due primarily to a lack of water.
Mr Cooper said We would dispute this figure and certainly question that
any decline of health in Red Gum Forests is principally due to an absence of
Nonetheless this water allocation will help both Red Gums and wildlife,
and many of the less mobile and smaller water bird species are in serious
decline as a result of the ongoing drought Mr Cooper said.
R.A (Bob) Cooper
President Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Vic)
(03) 8892 2777