Alen Corporation Launches Paralda In Hong Kong -- A Powerful, Affordable, And Eco-friendly New Porta 15th December 2008 - Views: 786 U.S.-based Alen Corporation recently launched in Hong Kong an affordable and eco-friendly air purifier called Paralda that eliminates 99.97 percent of air pollution in the home or office. The new air purifier contains no toxic lead components and is RoHS compliant, ozone safe, and uses less energy than a light bulb.
Rmit To Launch Green Car Research 11th December 2008 - Views: 724 RMIT University researchers will play a pivotal role in developing an environmentally sustainable automotive industry.
Turning Contaminated Sites To Gold 11th December 2008 - Views: 699 It could also be a bonanza for the federal and state governments, councils, companies and authorities managing polluted sites across Australia.
Climate Change And Coastal Planning: Expert Available For Comment 11th December 2008 - Views: 1109 The Victorian Government has released a coastal planning strategy that for the first time takes into account climate change predictions, ruling that new housing developments must assume sea levels will rise 80cm by 2100.
Decontaminating Melbourne 10th December 2008 - Views: 747 The largest soil decontamination project in Australia – and only the second clean up of its kind in the world using the unique thermal desorption technology - will be unveiled.