Seq Water Strategy:qcc Cals For Regional Cap On Water
12th February 2010 -
Views: 1126
According to Queensland Conservation (QCC) the Queensland Water Commission draft
Water Strategy is a prime example of ecological unsustainable development.
Sustainability Stars In Home Building And Renovating
29th January 2010 -
Views: 1098
Almost all building or renovation projects that involve new building work or home extensions will need to comply with 5 Star. Minor work that does not require a building permit is not required to meet the 5 Star Standard.
Micro-brite Ccfl Lamps Use 80% Less Power
18th January 2010 -
Views: 1145
Now with a range from 5W to 15W (the equivalent of incandescent lamps 15W to 60W) the Micro-Brites shine just as brightly – but consume a lot less wattage and up to 80% less power.
70% Of Estate Agents Are In Breach Of New Sustainability Declaration Legislation
15th January 2010 -
Views: 1093
Current research suggests, around 70% of Real Estate Agents are either not fully compliant or have made no effort to comply with Queensland's new Sustainability Declaration legislation which came into affect a fortnight ago.
Green Cities Melbourne Feb 21-24
13th January 2010 -
Views: 1089
Property industry leaders will gather in Melbourne next month to determine how productive, healthy, profitable green buildings will become the cornerstone of a renewed push for sustainable cities.