Eastern Suburbs Save Energy
16th November 2009 -
Views: 1105
Now new energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights and lower voltage halogens, offering a choice of brightness and colours – but more expensive to buy - are widely available.
Sun Shines On Nsw Today, But Outlook Still Cloudy For The Renewable Industry
10th November 2009 -
Views: 1067
The NSW Government has taken an important step forward with its new scheme to encourage more households to install clean solar energy on their rooftops.
Australian Cities Unite On Sustainability Campaign
6th November 2009 -
Views: 1093
The Lord Mayors and Mayors of Australia’s major cities moved to form the group to forge stronger links with the Commonwealth Government and to work closely with the Prime Minister to develop productive, affordable, liveable and sustainable cities.
Open For Business: Vers Introduces Open-front Shellcases To Its Hand-crafted Wood Ipod And Iphone Ca
6th November 2009 -
Views: 1065
Vers extends its line of sustainably built, hand-crafted wood cases for iPod and iPhone with the addition of open-front Shellcases that allow full display access.
Stick To The Insulation Facts - Icanz
30th October 2009 -
Views: 1090
The Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand (ICANZ) has today urged all parties involved or providing public comment on the Federal Energy Efficiency Homes program to stick to the known facts about insulation.