70% Of Estate Agents Are In Breach Of New Sustainability Declaration Legislation

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15th January 2010, 02:06pm - Views: 1094
70% of Real Estate Agents are in breach of new Sustainability Declaration

Current research suggests, around 70% of Real Estate Agents are either not fully compliant or have made no effort to comply with Queensland's new Sustainability Declaration legislation which came into affect a fortnight ago.

"The new legislation passed in mid November has all industry stake holders confused about their obligations", said Wade Short of Sustainability Disclosure Services.

"Our office receives over 20 telephone calls per day from Real Estate Agents asking for clarification of what their responsibilities are, yet our business is primarily based on offering a service to complete the declarations on behalf of vendors and although happy to help, this should be the responsibility of the department", Short added.

The political fallout began late in December when the Minister delayed the issuing of on the spot fines, which has lead some to believe that compliance is not necessary until the 1st of March 2010, this being one of many common misconceptions within the industry. "I was telephoned yesterday by the leader of the LNP, Mr John-Paul Langbroek to discuss the compliance and general confusion within the Real Estate Industry, and generally the word on the street, our 30 minute conversation indicated Mr Langbroek is concerned about this new legislation", said Short.

In some cases we have been informed that Real Estate Agents are suggesting to vendors that they should leave the entire declaration blank and sign the bottom, suggesting this will still comply with the laws as written. We are aware that confusion in the media has led to the Courier Mail's legal section writing to the Department of Infrastructure and Planning for a written ruling on what obligations printed advertisements should have. Conflicting information from the main industry body is also not helping Real Estate Agents who are genuinely attempting to comply with the new legislation.

Sustainability Disclosure Services has now launched training seminar workshops for Real Estate Agencies to train staff to ensure that the office complies with the new laws and that property vendors can be guided with appropriate and correct information to ensure that they also comply. "As so much confusion exists, we had no choice", Short added.

"At present our offices' appointment book is 85% full just conducting Sustainability Declaration Assessments on behalf of vendors and agents, however we have added additional support staff to enable us to run compliance workshops for the industry, we have conducted 9 workshops for Real Estate offices in Brisbane", Said Wade Short, GM.

To find out more, visit www.sustainabilitydisclosureservices.com.au

For media enquiries, contact Wade Short on 0409 696 155. Short is available for interviews, photographs or film

Gold Coast (07) 5641 6075
Brisbane (07) 3713 1377
PO Box 393 Main Beach QLD 4217

SOURCE: Sustainability Disclosure Services

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