Green Cities Melbourne Feb 21-24

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13th January 2010, 03:55pm - Views: 1090
Property industry focuses on sustainable cities

Property industry leaders will gather in Melbourne next month to determine how productive, healthy, profitable green buildings will become the cornerstone of a renewed push for sustainable cities.

More than 1000 leading Australian and international property industry experts are expected to attend the annual Green Cities 2010 conference, to be held in Melbourne from February 21-24.

A joint initiative of the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) and the Property Council of Australia, Green Cities 2010 is the largest and most influential green building conference in the Asia Pacific region.

Now in its fourth year, Green Cities 2010 will feature panel discussions, case studies and debates on how green buildings will deliver greater productivity and occupant health while using less resources and providing higher returns on investment.

GBCA Chief Executive, Romilly Madew, said that with 11 percent of all CBD office space now Green Star rated and a further 25 percent (400 buildings) undergoing certification, clear evidence is now available about the positive impact sustainable buildings have on people, places and performance.

"We know that Green Star rated office buildings are reducing greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 60 percent. These buildings are commanding higher rents and higher selling prices, they have lower vacancy rates and the occupants of green buildings report higher productivity and lower absenteeism," Ms Madew said.

"With buildings and their users responsible for 23 percent of Australia's total greenhouse gas emissions, the potential benefits to be gained from developing green cities are enormous."

Property Council Chief Executive, Peter Verwer, said: "The property industry has taken important steps in sustainable development over the past five years. Green Cities 2010 is an opportunity to learn from the world's leading sustainable building experts and take green building to the next level.

"Sustainable development will only become more important as the pace of urbanisation in Australia continues to accelerate."

Green Cities 2010, sponsored by world-leading property investment managers The Grosvenor Group, will feature international and Australian experts including:
* leading urban designer Malcolm Smith, who will share his experiences in the creation of green precincts such as Stratford City (UK) and Dongtan Ecocity (China)
* US green building specialist Jerry Yudelson
* Elsa Monteiro, head of sustainability at Sonae-Sierra (a Grosvenor Group company)

More detail, including a full program for the conference, is available at

Media contacts:
Julie Sheather
0409 514 643
[email protected]

or Kate McQuestin
0419 591 150
[email protected]

The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) is Australia's leading authority on green building. Established in 2002, the GBCA promotes green building programs, technologies, design practices and processes, and operates Australia's only national voluntary comprehensive environmental rating system for buildings Green Star.

The Property Council of Australia champions the interests of Australia's $320 billion property investment industry. With divisions in every state and territory, the Property Council provides the voice of leadership for more than 2000 member companies across the property sector.

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