Seq Water Strategy:qcc Cals For Regional Cap On Water

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12th February 2010, 09:26pm - Views: 1127

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Queensland Conservation 166 Ann St, Brisbane, QLD 4000 

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For Immediate Release                                                              12 February 2010

SEQ Water Strategy: QCC calls for regional cap on water Use

According to Queensland Conservation (QCC) the Queensland Water Commission draft

Water Strategy is a prime example of ecological unsustainable development.

‘There are limits to the amount of water a region can provide its population. Despite, all

the rhetoric it’s something the QWC has failed to recognise,’ said Toby Hutcheon,

Executive Director of Queensland Conservation

‘The regions water future should contribute to protecting the environment and preserving

our way of life, not deliberately threatening it.’

‘Instead the QWC vision is about building expensive and energy-hungry desalination

plants to support more and more water use and even bigger populations’ said Hutcheon

In its submission to the QWC Water Strategy, QCC has called for:

A regional cap on total water use

A return to the 140 litre target

No more desalination plants

A special water fund for gardeners

A program to transform ornamental to native/drought resistant gardens

SEQ to become a world class water sensitive region with recycling and stormwater


‘The QWC is putting forward the option of providing water for up to six million people.

What effect will that dramatic population increase have on SEQ? It’s not a question the

QWC is prepared to answer.’ said Hutcheon

For more information: Toby Hutcheon 3221 0188/0419 664 503

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