Natural Resources Press Releases & Articles 91 - 95 of 156

Yamba Oil Spill Exercise starstarstarstarstar   19th June 2009 - Views: 1278 Yamba Oil Spill Exercise Deputy Chief Executive Tony Middleton said the exercise would test the local contingency plan to combat a marine oil spill.

Mining Union: Safety Changes May Cost Lives starstarstarstarstar   27th May 2009 - Views: 1084 Queensland's Mining Union yesterday held a Special (extraordinary) Executive Board Meeting to consider the disastrous implications of a proposed federal "harmonisation" of National Health and Safety Legislation.

Prohibition Notice Issued By Nopsa Following Fire On Offshore Facility starstarstarstarstar   21st April 2009 - Views: 1098 The National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (NOPSA) has issued a Prohibition Notice to Woodside Energy Ltd, the operator of the Ngujima-Yin Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel.

Fretilin Petitions Constitutional Court Over National Petroleum Authority starstarstarstarstar   20th April 2009 - Views: 1029 FRETILIN petitions Constitutional Court over National Petroleum Authority FRETILIN MPs have asked Timor-Leste’s Constitutional Court to rule that the National Petroleum Authority created by the Gusmao government in June 2008 is unconstitutional and breaches the Petroleum Fund Law.

Nopsa Inspectors To Investigate Fire Incident On Offshore Petroleum Facility starstarstarstarstar   14th April 2009 - Views: 1042 NOPSA has today sent two Occupational Health and Safety inspectors to the offshore petroleum facility, Maersk Nguijima-Yin off the north-west of Western Australia, to investigate a report of a fire on the facility.

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