Natural Resources Press Releases & Articles 121 - 125 of 156

Mining Industry Calls On Government To Detail Support For Carbon Capture Technology starstarstarstarstar   16th July 2008 - Views: 998 The NSW mining industry has welcomed today's release of the Federal Government's new Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme but has called on the Government to release details of its funding commitment to fast track carbon capture and storage technology.

Platts Survey: Opec Crude Output Rises To 32.47 Million Barrels Per Day In June, Up 230,000 B/d From starstarstarstarstar   16th July 2008 - Views: 908 Platts Survey: Opec Crude Output Rises To 32.47 Million Barrels Per Day In June, Up 230,000 B/d From The 13 members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) pumped an average 32.47 million barrels per day (b/d) of crude oil in June, an increase of 230,000 b/d from the May level of 32.24 million b/d, according to the latest Platts survey of OPEC and oil industry officials.

Oil Spill Training Exercise For Port Of Yamba starstarstarstarstar   7th July 2008 - Views: 1068 Oil Spill Training Exercise For Port Of Yamba Mr Dunn said the exercise would involve deployment of local spill response equipment to ensure its operational condition and to test the preparedness and familiarisation of local personnel.

Innamincka Petroleum Drilling Program Completed - Approaches Production starstarstarstarstar   19th June 2008 - Views: 1064 Innamincka Petroleum Drilling Program Completed - Approaches Production Roadworks and earthworks associated with the Flax processing facility are nearing completion.

Westralian Gas And Power Launches Us Depositary Receipts starstarstarstarstar   10th June 2008 - Views: 1060 Westralian Gas and Power is pleased to announce that its Level One American Depositary Receipt (ADR) program has been declared eligible by the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The Bank of New York Mellon was appointed as the depositary bank for the ADR program.

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