Mining Union: Safety Changes May Cost Lives

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27th May 2009, 03:14pm - Views: 1085

Mining Union: Safety Changes May Cost Lives

Media Release

27 May 2009

Queensland's Mining Union yesterday held a Special (extraordinary) Executive Board Meeting to consider the disastrous implications of a proposed federal "harmonisation" of National Health and Safety Legislation.

"Any move to change mining industry specific safety laws may cost lives." Stuart Vaccaneo, Senior Vice President of the Mining Union said today.

"We've seen a death in the mining industry in recent days in Queensland and the tragic death of Jason Blee in Moranbah in 2007. Mr Blee left his wife and four young children behind" He said.

Mr Blee's death is the subject of an ongoing coronial inquest.

"The word harmonisation, in this case, means less safety for workers in one of the most dangerous industries in the world.

"These are not just statistics these are real people, dying in a dangerous industry, an industry that would be rendered less safe under new laws.

The Union's executive meeting condemned the move and vowed to fight any proposal to water down the protections of Mining Workers.

"The Mining Union will fight any move to reduce the safety of mining families and in addition we will be presenting an urgency resolution to next month's Labor state conference in Queensland" Mr Vaccaneo said.

Union representatives will be lobbying Federal Minister's and MP's to highlight the concerns of regional families in the Mining Industry.

"Make no mistake, Queensland has world's best practice mining safety laws and these laws are more than an article of faith for Mine workers, they can mean the difference between life and death.

"Our members will stop at nothing to protect their safety at work and that's the clear message we will be sending Kevin Rudd and his Ministerial colleagues" he said.

For Comment: Stuart Vaccaneo, Senior Vice President, CFMEU Mining and Energy Union 0418 885 360

Further information: Richard Alcorn 0419 654 936

SOURCE: Mining Union: CFMEU

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