Target 155 - 200 Litres This Week - One Week To Go
19th November 2009 -
Views: 948
With just one week till the first anniversary of Target 155, Melbourne's water authorities are calling for all Melburnians to refocus and reign in their water use this week, to re-instate the simple water-saving behaviours that have paved the way for the 155 Target to be attained for much of the last year.
Industry Support Must Carry Jobs Guarantee, Coalminers Tell Canberra Today
18th November 2009 -
Views: 921
Mining giants must be forced to guarantee jobs in exchange for more climate change compensation, Australian coalmine workers will tell both sides of politics in Canberra today.
Turning Off The Taps On Unbriddled Water Use!
17th November 2009 -
Views: 892
With the return of 30 degree plus weather, water authorities are calling for Melburnians to guard themselves against unbridled water use - using water wisely for the long term benefit of their garden and our precious storages, while keeping themselves cool inside the home.
Territorians Buck The Trend On Green Issues
17th November 2009 -
Views: 961
In 2007-08, Territorians were the least likely to report their personal water usage had decreased and the most likely to report increased water usage when compared to other Australians.
Media Event Alert: Water Use Bursts Through Taget 155!
13th November 2009 -
Views: 936
“We don’t expect people to turn off their evaporative coolers during the rest of this hot spell, but as we’re not even in summer yet, we can’t afford this rampant water use, or we could fail to make the 155 Target for the year,” asserts Tony Kelly, Yarra Valley Water Managing Director and spokesperson for Target 155.