Natural Resources Press Releases & Articles 56 - 60 of 156

Media Release: Melbourne's Rivers Benefit From Heavy Rain starstarstarstarstar   22nd October 2009 - Views: 866 Melbourne's waterways are expected to have a new lease on life after recent rain, as rivers like the Yarra, Maribyrnong and Werribee experience some of their highest spring levels for five years.

Vale Welcomes Opposition's Proposed Amendments To Government's Cprs starstarstarstarstar   21st October 2009 - Views: 1343 Vale Australia Coal has welcomed the conservative Opposition's proposed amendments to the government's CPRS legislation, saying it represents a 'workable, sensible compromise' to protect employment in Australia's major industry while also reducing carbon pollution.

Australian Coal Association Brings Its Regional Campaign To Canberra starstarstarstarstar   20th October 2009 - Views: 936 The launch in Canberra of national newspaper and television advertisements aims to bring to the attention of national decision-makers the views of people in regional Australia whose jobs and livelihoods will be put at risk by the proposed CPRS tax on coal mining.

The World Diamond Industry Is Reaching Out To Panama starstarstarstarstar   19th October 2009 - Views: 900 On October 13, 2009 an international delegation of leaders from the diamond world held an historic meeting with the President of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli.

Still Watering In The Mud? Killing Your Garden With Kindness starstarstarstarstar   16th October 2009 - Views: 913 Despite much of Melbourne still being wet soggy from this week's rain, Melbourne's water use has crept up this week, hinting that many Melburnians are continuing to water their garden during this unseasonably wet period.

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