Yamba Oil Spill Exercise

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19th June 2009, 12:01pm - Views: 1279

Conservation Natural Resources NSW Maritime Authority 1 image

Friday, 19 June 2009

Oil spill Training Exercise for Port of Yamba

NSW Maritime will conduct an oil spill exercise at the Port of Yamba, Goodwood Island

Wharf, on Saturday 27 June 2009.

Deputy Chief Executive Tony Middleton said the exercise would test the local contingency

plan to combat a marine oil spill.

“The exercise will involve deployment of local spill response equipment to test the

preparedness and familiarisation of local personnel,” Mr Middleton said.

“About 15 people from a range of local emergency response agencies are expected take

part in the hands-on training exercise.

“NSW Maritime has combat agency responsibility under State and national plans on the

North Coast and the South Coast, outside of the major port areas.

“NSW Maritime's Manager Shipping and Pollution Response in conjunction with the

Yamba Harbour Master will direct the exercise.”

Mr Middleton said outcomes of the exercise would be used to update the local contingency

plan arrangements and identify any equipment related issues or requirements.

Such exercises form part of NSW’s responsibilities under the National Plan to Combat

Pollution of the Sea by Oil and Other Noxious and Hazardous Substances (National Plan). 

NSW Maritime manages the National Plan arrangements in this Sate and works closely

with the three Port Corporations of Newcastle, Sydney and Port Kembla.

NSW Maritime and the port corporations form four combat agencies responsible for

responses along the entire coastline of NSW.

The Port of Yamba, on the Clarence River, has regular general cargo services operating to

Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, and New Zealand.

Media contact: Neil Patchett 0418 279 465

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