Energy Press Releases & Articles 206 - 210 of 226

Let There Be Light And Cleaner Air - And There Was! starstarstarstarstar   16th March 2010 - Views: 1194 Let There Be Light And Cleaner Air - And There Was! The Hi-Lumic Clean tubes, which are coated in an optical catalyst film, work to break down organic substances and purify the air whenever they are switched on reducing the number of volatile organic compounds and bacteria in the air.

Value Creation Inc. Enters Into Oilsands Development With Bp starstarstarstarstar   16th March 2010 - Views: 1496 BP will be the majority partner and the Operator for this TdG Partnership ("TdGP"), with VCI and BP together providing strategic direction and guidance through representation on the governing board.

/c O R R E C T I O N -- Germany Trade And Invest/ starstarstarstarstar   6th March 2010 - Views: 904 In the news release, "Showa Shell Solar Establishes European Base in Germany" issued on 5 Mar 2010 14:30 GMT, by Germany Trade and Invest over PR Newswire, we are advised by a representative of the company that the first paragraph, second sentence should have read.

Enhanced Renewable Energy Target Good Outcome For Solar starstarstarstarstar   5th March 2010 - Views: 1182 Enhanced Renewable Energy Target Good Outcome For Solar The changes reserve 41,000GWh (from the original 45,000GWh target) for large-scale renewable energy like solar thermal, large-scale photovoltaics, wind and wave power.

Nrma To Make Energy Security An Election Issue starstarstarstarstar   3rd March 2010 - Views: 1237 Nrma To Make Energy Security An Election Issue Speaking at NRMA’s Alternative Fuel Summit in Sydney this morning, NRMA Motoring & Services President Wendy Machin said the NRMA would publicly rate the major parties’ energy policies for the first time.

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