Energy Press Releases & Articles 156 - 160 of 226

Thiess Services Secures $380m Alliance Program For Sth East Water Capital Works starstarstarstarstar   14th August 2009 - Views: 1181 The new alliance program involves the overall management of capital works projects, including upgrades to water supply and sewerage networks.

Seeking An Angel In Dubai And Beyond starstarstarstarstar   15th April 2008 - Views: 1203 Seeking An Angel In Dubai And Beyond Mark Nejmeh, President, MagKinetics Inc. will travel to Dubai to seek an Angel for his development stage renewable energy company with their patent pending technology for "A system and method for creating electricity from moving vehicular traffic."

Second Wind, In Partnership With Beijing New Energy Technology Co., Launches Its Triton Wind Profile starstarstarstarstar   13th October 2010 - Views: 1088 Second Wind, In Partnership With Beijing New Energy Technology Co., Launches Its Triton Wind Profile Second Wind is giving wind project developers in China the opportunity to use the wind energy industry's leading remote sensing system by launching the Triton Sonic Wind Profiler at this week's China Wind Power 2010 conference and exhibition in Beijing.

Linc Energy Signs Mou For Carbon Capture And Storage (ccs) In Ucg Cavities starstarstarstarstar   5th October 2010 - Views: 1091 Linc Energy has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a leading European Research Centre to develop carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology for its Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) operations, CEO Peter Bond announced today.

Pvsec: German Solar Demand On Record Pace In 2010; Feed-in Tariffs Updated starstarstarstarstar   6th September 2010 - Views: 960 Photovoltaic system installations in the first half of 2010, estimated at 3 GWp, continue to consolidate Germany's position as the world's largest photovoltaic (PV) market and an attractive investment location for PV companies.

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