Victorian Energy Customers Shop Around In Competitive Market
14th December 2009 -
Views: 1107
The report by the Essential Services Commission (ESC) revealed that 635,191 electricity and 445,470 gas customers in Victoria elected to change retailers in 2008-09, equivalent to a gross switching rate of around 25 percent for both electricity and gas customers.
Origin Boosts North Queensland Power Supply
11th December 2009 -
Views: 1106
North Queensland residents will have greater security of supply against the heat this summer with Origin officially opening its Mt Stuart Power Station expansion in Townsville today.
Darling Downs Power Station Meets Key Milestone As First Turbine Powers Up
10th December 2009 -
Views: 1105
"Upon commissioning, Darling Downs Power Station will bring Origin's total generation capacity to more than 2100MW with expected capacity to reach 2800MW by the end of 2010," Mr Calabria said.
Canadian Energy Group Backs Beach's Shole Gas Foray In Cooper Basin
8th December 2009 -
Views: 1058
The Cooper Basin's potential to support a new Australian shale gas industry has attracted Canadian energy group, ATCO Limited (ATCO).
Kupe Gas Project Commences Commissioning
4th December 2009 -
Views: 1294
Origin Energy New Zealand ('Origin'), on behalf of the Kupe Joint Venture, has announced that commissioning of the Kupe facilities has commenced with the wells being opened and the first gas and liquids being piped ashore to the gas processing plant at Hawera.