Enhanced Renewable Energy Target Good Outcome For Solar

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5th March 2010, 12:27pm - Views: 1199

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26th February 2010




Industry responds to RET media release

The Australian Solar Energy Society [AuSES] welcomes the Federal Government’s proposed

changes to the Renewable Energy Target [RET], announced today.

The changes reserve 41,000GWh (from the original 45,000GWh target) for large-scale

renewable energy like solar thermal, large-scale photovoltaics, wind and wave power.

In addition the government has announced an uncapped scheme that will apply to solar

panels and solar hot water installations, with a fixed REC price of $40.

“This change recognises the importance of personal action on climate change, while freeing

up the renewable energy target for large-scale investments,” says John Grimes Chief

Executive, Australian Solar Energy Society. 

“Perhaps the most damaging element of recent solar policy for the solar industry has been

constant change.  This announcement gives the industry the certainty it needs moving

forward,” he said.

“Whilst the proposed changes are welcomed, they will not by themselves ensure a strong

Australian solar industry.  The Australian Government should support large-scale solar

through loan guarantees or a national feed-in tariff and the existing Solar Flagships Program.”  

“A strong Australian solar industry will delver clean energy jobs across Australia, but this

cannot happen without concerted government action.”    

“We look forward to seeing the detail in the legislation when it is available” said Grimes.

For additional information or to schedule an interview with the CEO of the AuSES, John Grimes

please contact:

0400 102 396


About Australian Solar Energy Society

The Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES) is dedicated to the promotion of solar and related

R&D and the adoption of Solar Energy; compiling and disseminating information on solar and

complementary technologies; education programs; and lobbying.  AuSES is a non for profit

organisation tracing its history back to 1954.  Its primary membership consists of academia, solar

related companies, research and development organisations, users, community groups and

private citizens. 

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