Power System Incident In New South Wales
28th November 2009 -
Views: 1160
The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) advises that there has been a power system incident in New South Wales. As a result, AEMO has directed that approximately 1000MW of load be shed from the power system.
Saving Energy In Shoalhaven And The South Coast
23rd November 2009 -
Views: 1086
Now new energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights and lower voltage halogens, offering a choice of brightness and colours – but more expensive to buy - are widely available.
Whitewash On Wind Farm Health Concers
22nd November 2009 -
Views: 1143
"The VLG is gravely concerned that the Victorian government is conning the Victorian people and the Parliament with its so called inquiry into the health effects of wind turbines, established after pressure from Peter Kavanagh MLC," the President of the VLG Randall Bell said today.
Aemo Monitoring Power Supply In New South Wales
20th November 2009 -
Views: 1107
The unseasonally high temperatures at this time of year increases the risk that failure of equipment could result in interruptions to supply.
Education And Quality Assurance Vital To Safe Insulation Program
19th November 2009 -
Views: 1131
Education, better management and quality assurance are key to ensuring the best outcomes from the insulation, solar and other energy efficiency measures funded by the Federal Government,” Mr Danny Morgan, Managing Director of Enact Energy Australian said today.