Major Meeting Takes Carbon Capture And Storage Forward
30th November 2009 -
Views: 867
“Carbon capture and storage, which captures industrial CO2 emissions and stores them permanently
in rocks deep underground, is recognised around the world as a vital part of the global transition to
a low carbon future,” said Dr Peter Cook, Chief Executive of CO2CRC.
Climate Change: Chogm Shows Deal Can Be Reached At Copenhagen
29th November 2009 -
Views: 823
The climate change declaration made by world leaders at this weekend’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) showed there is still room for a legally binding agreement to be reached at the Copenhagen meeting in December, international aid agency Oxfam said today.
Global Business Hopes For Copenhagen Climate Conference
27th November 2009 -
Views: 835
An Unsuccessful Outcome at Copenhagen will have a Detrimental Impact on BusinessOver three quarters of business respondents involved in aspects of environmental, sustainability and climate change issues believe if Copenhagen fails it will have a detrimental impact on their business
Flawed Ets Must Be Deferred
27th November 2009 -
Views: 923
“The flawed emissions trading scheme legislation currently before the senate must be deferred until after the Copenhagen summit” said William Kininmonth, science advisor to the Australian Climate Science Coalition.
Hon Peter Garrett To Address Australia's First Zero Waste Summit
26th November 2009 -
Views: 842
This conference follows in the wake of the recent Environment Protection and Heritage Council (EPHC) meeting in early November in which Minister Garrett made historic announcements relating to the National Waste Policy and product stewardship for TV’s / Computers / Tyres & Packaging.