Major Meeting Takes Carbon Capture And Storage Forward

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30th November 2009, 10:31am - Views: 868

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Media Release

30 November 2009


Australia’s leading carbon capture and storage (CCS) event, the Cooperative Research Centre for

Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC) Research Symposium, will bring over 200 CCS

researchers and government and industry partners to the Queensland Sunshine Coast over the next

three days to discuss the latest in Australian and international CCS research.

From December 1 to 3, CO2CRC researchers from around Australia will share the latest on CCS

technologies, including results from two comprehensive CO2 capture demonstration projects and

the CO2CRC Otway Project, currently Australia’s only operational carbon dioxide (CO2)

geosequestration project.

Research includes:

Results from the highly successful Stage 1 of the CO2CRC Otway Project

Plans for new CO2 storage as part of Stage 2 of the CO2CRC Otway Project

Detailed results from CO2CRC CO2 capture demonstrations at Hazelwood and Mulgrave

Progress of surveys to find safe, secure CO2 storage in Australia and New Zealand

Cost reductions for CCS systems of at least 25 per cent 

Updates on nine CCS projects in Australia and around the world


“Carbon capture and storage, which captures industrial CO2 emissions and stores them permanently

in rocks deep underground, is recognised around the world as a vital part of the global transition to

a low carbon future,” said Dr Peter Cook, Chief Executive of CO2CRC.

“Our research is aimed squarely at reducing CCS costs and improving confidence in the technology

for industry and the community. As well as applied research, CO2CRC focuses on practical

demonstrations of CCS technology that show that CCS is not just a theory.

“It is the only technology we have for making deep cuts in fossil fuel-based CO2 emissions from

industry. It is and will continue to be an important part of a portfolio of tools to tackle climate

change,” said Dr Cook.

Further information: Dr Peter Cook, +61 2 6120 1600, 0419 490 044,

Media assistance: Tony Steeper, 0417 697 470,

CO2CRC collaborates with leading international and national CCS experts to conduct world-class research into carbon capture and storage.

Organisations participating in CO2CRC research include CSIRO, Geoscience Australia, the Universities of Adelaide, Curtin, Melbourne, Monash and

NSW, the Alberta Research Council of Canada and the US Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 

Industry and State core partners supporting CO2CRC are ACARP, Anglo American, BHP Billiton, BP Australia, Chevron, ConocoPhillips,

Foundation for Research Science and Technology (NZ), INPEX, KIGAM, Mitsui, NSW Department of Primary Industries, NZ Resource Consortium,

Origin, QER, QLD Department of Mines and Energy, Rio Tinto, Sasol, Schlumberger, Shell, Solid Energy, Stanwell, Total, the Victorian Department

of Primary Industries, WA Department of Mines and Petroleum, Woodside and Xstrata.

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