Climate Change: Chogm Shows Deal Can Be Reached At Copenhagen

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29th November 2009, 07:05pm - Views: 824

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Oxfam is a leading international aid agency working with communities around the world for solutions to poverty and social injustice.

Sunday 29 November 2009 

Climate change: CHOGM shows deal can be reached at


The climate change declaration made by world leaders at this weekend’s Commonwealth Heads

of Government Meeting (CHOGM) showed there is still room for a legally binding agreement to be

reached at the Copenhagen meeting in December, international aid agency Oxfam said today.

Oxfam Australia’s Climate Change spokeswoman Kelly Dent said it was encouraging that the last

significant meeting of world leaders before Copenhagen acknowledged the need for a legally

binding document to tackle the undisputed threat climate change poses to the world.

However, the CHOGM declaration has fallen short by only pointing the way to an operationally

binding agreement in Copenhagen, with a legally binding agreement to be finalised in 2010.

“There is no room for further delay on climate change. People in developing countries are already

suffering from the effects of changing weather patterns. It is essential that Copenhagen delivers a

legally binding agreement,” Ms Dent said

“Financing to help developing countries deal with the impact of climate change is essential to a

deal. Oxfam is pleased that CHOGM has recognised that financing for climate change should be

separate to existing aid. It must also be above existing agreed international aid targets of .7 per

cent of gross national income. Raiding health and education budgets in poor countries to pay for

climate change would be disastrous for poor people.”

“Oxfam supports the Australian Government’s focus on providing at least 10 per cent of climate

funding for small island developing countries. Rising sea levels in these countries are already

threatening people’s homes and livelihoods,” Ms Dent said. 

“Prime Minister Kevin Rudd now needs to demonstrate how seriously the Australian Government

takes this issue by indicating how much public money he is prepared to put on the table to help

developing countries deal with the effects of climate change,” Ms Dent said.

“Disappointingly, the CHOGM declaration also fails to commit countries to targets to reduce

emissions. These targets are essential to avoiding catastrophic climate change.”

“Now is the time for world leaders to act. Copenhagen can deliver a fair, safe and legally binding

agreement if our leaders are prepared to step up. The world cannot afford any further delay,” Ms

Dent said.

For more information contact: 

Oxfam Australia Media Co-ordinator Kate Thwaites,, or 0407 515


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