Turning Off The Taps On Unbriddled Water Use!

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17th November 2009, 09:29pm - Views: 893
Turning Off the Taps on Unbridled Water Use

With the return of 30 degree plus weather, water authorities are calling for Melburnians to guard themselves against unbridled water use - using water wisely for the long term benefit of their garden and our precious storages, while keeping themselves cool inside the home.

"Last Saturday and Sunday saw Melbourne's average residential water use spike up to 213 and 197 litres respectively, showing the clear link between hot days, and especially hot watering days, and high water consumption.

We're on track this week for another daily average of 200 litres plus per person, effectively destroying nearly nine weeks of hard won savings in just two weeks [1]," asserts Tony Kelly, Yarra Valley Water Managing Director and Target 155 spokesperson.

"With this spring heatwave just a taster of the long hot summer to come, it's crucial for us to bed down practical and water wise ways to keep ourselves and out gardens cool now - or risk quickly undoing much of the fantastic savings we have achieved under Target 155," states Mr Kelly.

[1] Savings 4 Sept - 5 Nov 2009 = 102 litres
94 litres over Target 155 = 49 litres over for the week ending 12 Nov, estimated 45 litres over target for week ending 19 Nov 2009

Top Tips to Keep You and Your Garden Cool - AND Meet Target 155!

* Avoid Exposure
- stay inside or head to cool places such as libraries, cinemas, galleries or shopping centres as it heats up
- move pots out of afternoon sun on hot days. Relocate them to shaded areas or places that only receive morning sun

* Protect Yourself
- when heading out Slip, Slop, Slap, whilst keeping in the shade wherever possible
- use an old sheet or piece of shade cloth to make some temporary shade for fixed position or delicate plants

* Use the exterior to cool the interior
- close windows and blinds during the heat of the day to keep your house cool - with external blinds especially effective
- don't prune over summer, the top layer of foliage will protect the leaves below from heat/sun damage

* Cool off with and ice-filled foot bath
- it will cool your whole body and the 7-10 litres water can be reused on the garden. Or try a 1 minute cool power shower
- give potted plants a shallow bath by sitting them in 10cm of water. They'll draw up the water they need in 30 minutes, without any wastage

* Recharge with the sea
- head to your local beach or pool for a cooling swim. Don't forget to Slip, Slop, Slap
- use a seaweed-based plant tonic as directed to help your plants cope with the heat

Under Stage 3a Water Restrictions:

* Lawns must not be watered at any time

* Even and no-numbered properties can water plants on Saturday and Tuesday 6am - 8am

* Odd-numbered properties can water plants on Sunday and Wednesday 6am - 8am

* Residents aged 70+ can water plants on their specified days between 6am - 8am OR the alternate time of 8am - 10am

* Automatic dripper systems can be used to water plants on specified watering days between midnight - 2am

* Rain/ grey water can be used at any time

* Cars can be washed at commercial car washes or at home using rain/ grey water

* No watering is permitted on Monday, Thursday and Friday.

For more water saving tips and information head to www.target155.vic.gov.au

For additional information or for interviews:

Caroline Doherty, Media Manager - Target 155
T(03) 9872 2473
M:0421 465 274
[email protected]

Rainfall Storages and Rainfall Data
Nick McGay, Melbourne Water
T(03) 9235 2287
M: 0438 981 836
[email protected]

SOURCE: Target 155

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