Territorians Buck The Trend On Green Issues

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17th November 2009, 02:31pm - Views: 963

People Feature Australian Bureau Of Statistics 1 image

November 17, 2009

Embargoed 11.30 am AEDT


Territorians buck the trend on green issues

Territorians* seem to be less concerned than other Australians about many issues relating to the

environment, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) new-look Regional Statistics,

Northern Territory publication which was released today.

In 2007-08, Territorians were the least likely to report their personal water usage had decreased

and the most likely to report increased water usage when compared to other Australians.

They were also the most likely Australians to cite cost saving as a reason for decreasing electricity

use (40%, almost double the national average of 21%) and least likely to cite conserving energy as

a reason (69% compared with 80% nationally).

Other highlights from this publication include:

During 2007-08 the NT experienced its largest increase in population in more than 10 years,

increasing by 2.3% (5,000 people) to 219,800 people.

Palmerston City was the fastest growing local government area in the NT (up 5.5%), followed

closely by Litchfield Shire (up 5.1%).

The fertility rate in the Daly Statistical Subdivision was the highest in the NT in 2007 at

3.03 babies per woman, while the Darwin City and Central NT Statistical Subdivisions had the

lowest (1.95 and 1.96 babies per woman respectively).

Regional Statistics, Northern Territory (cat. no. 1362.7) is available for free download from the ABS

website <www.abs.gov.au>.  The next issue of the publication will be released in March 2010.

*Results for the Northern Territory exclude persons or dwellings in very remote areas.

Media Note: Please ensure when reporting on ABS data that you attribute the Australian

Bureau of Statistics (or the ABS) as the source. 


Media requests and interviews

Corporate Communications 1300 175 070

Statistical Clarification 

Debbie Goodwin (08) 8943 2105

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